Switzerland and the art of international investments/La Suisse et l’art des investissements internationaux/Elveția și arta investițiilor internaționale

Switzerland and the art of international investments Thanks to its economic and political stability, transparent and fair legal system, reliable and extensive infrastructure and efficient capital markets, Switzerland is an attractive destination for foreign investors. For Switzerland, as for most economies, international investment is one of the most important factors contributing to economic growth and …


Emergency Ordinance No. 20/2022 – Legal measures on providing support and humanitarian assistance to citizens from the zone of armed conflict in Ukraine / Ordonnance d’urgence n° 20/2022 – Mesures juridiques relatives à la fourniture d’un soutien et d’une aide humanitaire aux citoyens de la zone de conflit armé en Ukraine / Ordonanța de Urgență nr. 20/2022 – Măsuri legale privind acordarea de sprijin şi asistenţă umanitară cetățenilor proveniţi din zona conflictului armat din Ucraina

EN: Emergency Ordinance No. 20/2022 – Legal measures on providing support and humanitarian assistance to citizens from the zone of armed conflict in Ukraine  Emergency Ordinance no. 20/2022 on the amendment and completion of some normative acts, as well as for the establishment of some measures of support and humanitarian assistance, which aims to regulate …


Is the Ukraine conflict leading towards a new monetary order? / Conflit en Ukraine : vers un nouvel ordre monétaire ? / Conflictul din Ucraina: către o nouă ordine monetară?/

Is the Ukraine conflict leading towards a new monetary order?   In response to its isolation from international trade in dollars, Russia is accelerating the adoption of the yuan and cryptocurrencies in its transactions. A diversification that could spread and raise questions about the potential end of dollar hegemony. Is there any risk that the …


Bitcoin – legal means of payment in El Salvador and developments in other spheres/ Bitcoin – moyen de paiement légal au El Salvador et développements dans d’autres sphères/ Bitcoinul – mijloc legal de plată în El Salvador și evoluții în alte sfere

Bitcoin – legal means of payment in El Salvador and developments in other spheres   In September 2021, El Salvador became the first country in the world to officially adopt Bitcoin as a legal means of payment alongside the national currency, the US dollar. Thus, businesses in El Salvador are obliged to accept payments in …


EMERGENCY ORDINANCE No 141 of 28 December 2021 on certain aspects of contracts for the provision of digital content and digital services/ ORDONNANCE D’URGENCE n° 141 du 28 décembre 2021 relative à certains aspects des contrats de fourniture de contenu digitaux et de services digitaux/ ORDONANŢĂ DE URGENŢĂ nr. 141 din 28 decembrie 2021 privind anumite aspecte referitoare la contractele de furnizare de conţinut digital şi de servicii digitale

EMERGENCY ORDINANCE No 141 of 28 December 2021 on certain aspects of contracts for the provision of digital content and digital services   On 30th of December 2021, Emergency Ordinance No 141/2021 on certain aspects of contracts for the provision of digital content and digital services was published in the Official Gazette No. 1248. In …

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