EMERGENCY ORDINANCE No 140 of 28 December 2021 on certain aspects of contracts for the sale of goods/ ORDONNANCE D’URGENCE n° 140 du 28 décembre 2021 relative à certains aspects des contrats de vente de biens/ ORDONANŢĂ DE URGENŢĂ nr. 140 din 28 decembrie 2021 privind anumite aspecte referitoare la contractele de vânzare de bunuri

EMERGENCY ORDINANCE No 140 of 28 December 2021 on certain aspects of contracts for the sale of goods On the 30th of December 2021, the Emergency Ordinance No. 140 / 2021 on certain aspects of contracts for the sale of goods was published in the Official Gazette No. 1245. The Ordinance lays down the legal …


New legislation on the Covid-19 pandemic/Nouvelle législation sur la pandémie de Covid-19/Noi prevederi legislative cu privire la pandemia Covid-19

ENG: New legislation on the Covid-19 pandemic The past week has seen several legislative changes regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, as follows: HG 1130/2021 + HG 1161/2021: – Art. 9 point 10: obligation for public institutions and authorities, economic operators and professionals to organise their activities in such a way as to ensure, on entering the …


Romania – a growing entrepreneurial ecosystem/Roumanie – un écosystème entrepreneurial en pleine expansion/România – un ecosistem antreprenorial în dezvoltare

English Romania – a growing entrepreneurial ecosystem Romania is a growing entrepreneurial hub, particularly in the IT, energy and healthcare industries. These are the main interests of foreign investors, who are attracted by the potential of Romanian companies in these fields. However, Romania’s entrepreneurial environment is still in a transition and development phase. IT is …


Social protection measures for vulnerable energy consumers taken by the Romanian state in the context of the rising energy prices/Mesures de protection sociale des consommateurs d’énergie vulnérables prises par l’État roumain dans le contexte de la hausse des prix de l’énergie/Măsuri de protecţie socială pentru consumatorul vulnerabil de energie luate de statul român în contextul creșterii prețurilor cu energia

English: Social protection measures for vulnerable energy consumers taken by the Romanian state in the context of the rising energy prices Law no. 226 / 2021 on the establishment of social protection measures for vulnerable energy consumers was published in the Official Gazette no. 891 of 16.09.2021, with the aim of adopting financial and non-financial …


August Newsletter

EN: A new support scheme for SMEs in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic Starting from July 2021, the state aid scheme – Support for SMEs in order to overcome the economic crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, came into force. The scheme is financed from non-reimbursable external funds provided by the Competitiveness Operational Program. …


Noi măsuri luate în domeniul Registrului Comerțului/New measures in the field of Trade Register/Nouvelles mesures prises dans le domaine du Registre du Commerce

Noi măsuri luate în domeniul Registrului Comerțului În iulie 2021, legea nr. 206 / 2021 a adus unele modificări în domeniul Registrului Comerțului. Astfel, termenul se prelungește pentru o perioadă de 1 an de la încetarea stării de alertă în ceea ce privește următoarele activități: Desfășurarea activității Oficiului Registrului Comerţului în principal prin mijloace electronice …

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